Canon Pixma MX340 Teardown Index
I've taken apart my retired Canon Pixma MX340 multi-function inkjet. Its task-specific plastic components are heading to landfill and its electronics core twist-tied to a sheet of cardboard for potential future reuse. I found a lot of interesting details as I went though this teardown and learned lessons that I hope to apply to future projects. I wrote down a lot of my observations here, so much that it has become pretty unwieldy to find specific information. Text search helps, but I also found myself frequently clicking "Next Post" and "Previous Post" to find a specific piece of information.
This post will be my first effort to help streamline finding references: all my MX340 posts listed in chronological order with as few words as practical (sometimes just a title excerpt) to remind my future self of their relative context. There are probably other ways to organize this information, but I am ignorant of the library science involved so this first effort is merely chronological.
Tearing down inkjet printers as a learning exercise. General thoughts followed by an overview for this Canon MX340.
Phase 1: Functionality-Preserving Disassembly
- Examine power supply and removal of back and side panels.
- Automatic document feeder (ADF).
- Lid is home to rollers but lacks its own motor. A preview of Canon's part reduction engineering.
- Control panel freed.
- Motors and sensors.
- Hinge was designed for easy removal, but I didn't figure it out until after I had already ruined it.
- Scanner layer.
- Inkjet printing engine.
- Starting with the print head parking area.
- Followed by a look at its paper feed path.
- Then the paper feed motor and gears (including first look at encoder disc).
- Paper output tray door has its own opening mechanism.
- Print carriage motor (including first look at encoder strip) is adjacent to a WiFi module and phone line audio speaker.
- Declare phase 1 complete.
Phase 2: Probe certain electronic subsystems as system runs
- Start simple with cover switch and power supply.
- Scanner startup homing sequence and spoofing that sequence.
- Scanner stepper motor pinout and oscilloscope.
- Scanner contact imaging sensor (CIS) was challenging fun to decipher!
- Illumination RGB LED under oscilloscope.
- Research into Canon CIS products.
- Finding the easily explained subset of pins (mostly RGB LED) on CIS connector.
- CIS candidate image data line under oscilloscope.
- Guessing the remaining pins on CIS connector.
- Properly reusing this CIS will be hard, but I have some partial reuse ideas.
- Print carriage and paper feed DC motors
- Motor control under oscilloscope.
- Paper feed encoder disc sensor under oscilloscope.
- Control panel got a thorough examination.
- To guide my exploration of how it works, I first reviewed of what it needs to do.
- Then find the power and ground pins on its connector to main board.
- Repeat exercise for connector to LCD screen.
- Use that LCD pinout to inform probing the control panel IC.
- Tracing circuitry required a big photo stitch of the control panel.
- Power button and LED are wired directly to main board.
- WiFi LED has its own power source, different from rest of control panel LEDs.
- Pinout of control panel connector to main board.
- Pinout of control panel IC including button matrix.
- Oscilloscope examination of control panel communication.
- Reporting button presses.
- Updating LCD screen.
- Control IC "Chip Enable".
- Oscilloscope trace appears to be asynchronous serial.
- Logic probe examination of control panel communication.
- Custom probe wires helped confirm: asynchronous serial 250000 baud 8E1.
- Design list of six scenarios for logic analysis.
- Decoding idle and four example button presses.
- Picked out pattern for (but not yet decoding) LCD update data.
- Logic analysis of control panel activity for machine states:
- How to decode LCD update data?
- Custom Saleae HLA can't do it.
- Don't overthink it, Calculator and Excel can do a lot.
- Decoding LCD update data with Excel.
- Now that I understand my captured scenarios, what's next?
Define goals for desired data filter and go searching.
- Wireshark is not the right tool.
- Neither is Bus Pirate.
- SerialTool comes closer but not quite.
- I guess I'm creating my own tool!
- Using USB serial adapter and pySerial library.
- Get the full set of button matrix scan codes.
- Decode LED control bit flags.
- Project delayed by faulty USB serial adapter. Once I figured out it was faulty, I ordered a replacement which showed some mild evolution.
- Challenges in simultaneously listening to two serial ports.
- Process the commands, ignore bulk transfers.
- Track known command sequences with a lookup table.
- Quick-and-dirty data filter tool did its job.
Define goals for desired data filter and go searching.
- Logic probe examination of LCD screen communication.
- Power and ground already established, leaving five unknown wires.
- Start in analog mode to probe pin assignment.
- LCD screen pin assignments.
- Summary of control panel findings.
- Paper feed motor examination goals.
- Start by setting data recording objectives, then start hunting for quadrature decoders.
- Logic analyzer candidates. Saleae no. Sigrok maybe?
- Arduino support for sigrok is incomplete.
- ESP32 Pulse Counter (PCNT) peripheral.
- Go with known quantity of Arduino quadrature decoder library.
- First pass: periodically output decoded quadrature counts.
- Second pass: decode raw count into motion.
- Decode based on sampling rate was unreliable.
- Switch decode based on microsecond timestamp.
- Timestamp can be improved, but probably not worth the effort.
- Stay with integer math by using microseconds per count.
- Graphing along with position.
- Simple debounce eliminated majority of noise.
- Observations on motor acceleration and deceleration.
- Use dwell time to delineate motions.
- Decoded output looks promising.
- Summary of decoded motions.
- Encoder disc delivers 8640 counts per revolution.
- Paper feed motor examination summary.
- Start by setting data recording objectives, then start hunting for quadrature decoders.
Phase 3: Disassembly Without Concern for Preserving Functionality
- Print carriage as starting point.
- Range of motion: 32.5cm.
- Motor and mystery lever.
- Print head maintenance assembly.
- Ink cartridge bracket.
- Print carriage removed.
- Mystery lever is a gear shifter!
- Distracted by ink graveyard.
Back to gear shifter.
- Paper tray gears and cams.
- Freewheel mechanism using capstan effect.
Mass production priorities different from my project priorities.
- But I do want easy serviceability.
- Paper feed motor+encoder removed.
- Print carriage disassembly to access encoder sensor.
- Remove lower rail.
- Open print carriage.
- Pinout of encoder sensor.
- Encoder strip delivers 600 counts per inch.
- ADF gearbox disassembly.
- Cursory review of main circuit board.
- Disembodied electronics nervous system still runs.
- Big group photo of all parts laid out flat.
- Salvage scanner flatbed glass.
- Disembodied electronics mounted on a sheet of cardboard.
And finally, the summary index. (You are here!)
Bonus item: aborted teardown of Canon 210 (black) and 211 (color) ink cartridges.
Follow-Up Project: CircuitPython and MX340 Control Panel
CircuitPython learning project: write code to allow a microcontroller to communicate with control panel following precedence of MX340 main logic board.
- Initial partial UART communication with
. - Full communication needed two parity bits, not just one. (250000 8E2)
- Vertical offset problem traced to missing initialization command.
- Am I on the right track? Quick test by reverse bits fed into
. - Right track verified, modified
directly for better performance. - Abandoned effort to make LCD compatible with
. - Data transmission collision avoided with async Lock.
At this point the exploratory project was getting mature enough for conversion to library.
- Use async
for synchronization. - Reorganize to suit Python context manager syntax.
- Expose button matrix scan code as key events.
- I can buy FPC connector breakout boards instead of soldering 1.0mm pitch pins.
- Use FPC connector breakout board to wire up remaining buttons and LEDs.
Finale: Tiny Cat & Galactic Squid on MX340 LCD.
Whew, that was a lot to write down, but at least it wraps up documenting this lengthy project. Now I can document another lengthy saga that took place at the same time: debugging bug checks on my Dell XPS 8950.