I've taken apart my retired Canon Pixma MX340 multi-function inkjet. Its task-specific plastic components are heading to landfill and its electronics core twist-tied to a sheet of cardboard for potential future reuse. I found a lot of interesting details as I went though this teardown and learned lessons that I hope to apply to future projects. I wrote down a lot of my observations here, so much that it has become pretty unwieldy to find specific information. Text search helps, but I also found myself frequently clicking "Next Post" and "Previous Post" to find a specific piece of information.

This post will be my first effort to help streamline finding references: all my MX340 posts listed in chronological order with as few words as practical (sometimes just a title excerpt) to remind my future self of their relative context. There are probably other ways to organize this information, but I am ignorant of the library science involved so this first effort is merely chronological.


Tearing down inkjet printers as a learning exercise. General thoughts followed by an overview for this Canon MX340.

Phase 1: Functionality-Preserving Disassembly

Phase 2: Probe certain electronic subsystems as system runs

Phase 3: Disassembly Without Concern for Preserving Functionality

And finally, the summary index. (You are here!)

Bonus item: aborted teardown of Canon 210 (black) and 211 (color) ink cartridges.

Follow-Up Project: CircuitPython and MX340 Control Panel

CircuitPython learning project: write code to allow a microcontroller to communicate with control panel following precedence of MX340 main logic board.

At this point the exploratory project was getting mature enough for conversion to library.

Finale: Tiny Cat & Galactic Squid on MX340 LCD.

Whew, that was a lot to write down, but at least it wraps up documenting this lengthy project. Now I can document another lengthy saga that took place at the same time: debugging bug checks on my Dell XPS 8950.