I've been poking around the control panel assembly of a Canon Pixma MX340 multi-function inkjet. An examination of data sent to its LCD module was the final piece of information I had expected to extract when I started "Control Panel Round 2. This post will summarize what I found, with links to specific posts for more detailed reference.


The control panel is connected to the main board with a long flat cable with twelve wires. Five of those wires are related to power supply: One 5.5V DC feed a single LED, a 3.3V DC supply for everything else, and three ground wires. Four wires enable direct main board control of four control panel elements: two buttons [Power] and [Stop], and two LEDs [Power] and [Alarm]. That leaves three wires for communication with the NEC K13988 chip on the control panel. See connector pinout post.

The NEC K13988 chip controls the remaining 2 LEDs on the control panel, has a matrix of wires to scan through the remaining 27 buttons, and passes display data onward to the LCD screen. Details at NEC K13988 chip pinout post and LCD connector pinout post.


Three wires for communication between main board and NEC K13988 chip consists of a single wire for [Chip Enable] and two wires for bidirectional communication. The protocol is 250000-8-E-1 asynchronous serial for both wires.

  • Main board commands are always two-byte sequences, each command acknowledged by the NEC K13988 with a single byte 0x20.
  • Main board bulk data transfers are announced with 0x06 for first byte of the two-byte command and the second byte indicates length of data transfer in number of bytes. This has only been observed for updating LCD screen bitmap, with five transfers of 196 (0xC4) bytes. After 0x06 0xC4 is acknowledged by a 0x20, 196 bytes are sent and another 0x20 acknowledgement at its conclusion. This post decoded a single frame using Excel.
  • Main board commands with 0x04 as the first byte are LCD module commands. NEC K13988 will forward the second byte to the LCD.
  • Main board commands where 0x0E is the first byte are LED commands. NEC K13988 will update illumination of [In Use/Memory] and [WiFi] LEDs based on two of the bits in the second byte.

In addition to 0x20 acknowledgements, the NEC K13988 sends a single byte reporting button matrix status every ~9.2ms. 0x80 means no buttons are pressed. Any value other than 0x20 or 0x80 will be one of the button matrix status reporting scan code listed in this post.


Lacking any reference material on these components, I don't know the full meaning of most of the commands decoded and recorded by my Saleae Logic 8 analyzer. Some were correlated with observable behavior and listed above, but the rest remain opaque unknowns.

List of posts that go into more detail on commands associated with each machine state, along with some notes on timing pauses seen in logic analyzer captures:


Sometime after this MX340 is completely torn down, I may try to repurpose this control panel assembly for a future project. I will start by playing back all of the commands recorded above and see if the control panel responds as observed. If it doesn't, then I have to go back to my Saleae Logic captures and try to replicate the pause timing between commands. If that still doesn't work, I have failed to capture something important.

If it works, I can try to gain more insight into those opaque commands. I can omit a command and look for changes in system behavior, then repeat for each opaque command. Or I may decide such investigation is not worth the trouble, and just play back those commands as-is while I focus on other aspects of the project. We'll see what the future holds.

Up Next

This concludes "Control Panel Round 2" and I'm ready to move on. My next target is the paper feed motor assembly.

This teardown ran far longer than I originally thought it would. Click here to rewind back to where this adventure started.