I've been examining the internal communication of a Canon Pixma MX340 multi-function inkjet, between its main board and its control panel. After examining what happens when the system goes into standby, I have one more trace from my initial batch of captures: a relatively simple "screen saver" mode.

Once the system is brought out of stand by and turned on, it will wait for the user to do something. If no user actions are taken, a few things happen. After just a few seconds of inactivity, it does something mechanical with the print carriage. It's on my to-do list to better understand that later. A few minutes after that, the LCD screen goes blank. This is different from a full system standby, because the rest of the printer remains powered on. (The power LED and WiFi LEDs are still glowing, for example.) I wanted to catch this transition and see if there are any similarities to the full standby sequence.

When the LCD went blank, my logic analyzer captured a single two-byte sequence 0x04 0x75. This was very short! And very good news, because that left no ambiguity. 0x04 0x75 was indeed part of the system standby sequence, and now I have definitive proof it is a "go to sleep" command.

With the screen deactivated, I pressed a button and saw the button matrix reporting value change. Approximately 40ms after the report with new value, I saw 0x04 0xF5. 4.5ms after that, I see the LCD screen update data burst pattern. Looks like 0x04 0xF5 is a "wake up" command. Going back to review the system power-up sequence, I see 0x04 0xF5 was sent after the first LCD screen update pattern. At first I was disappointed because it contradicted the "wake up" observation, but then I remembered the first LCD screen update only lasted about 100ms before the second burst of screen data. Too short to represent data expected to be seen by the user. I had hypothesized that first update cleared the screen and this observation actually supports rather than contradicts the hypothesis: it makes sense for the system to send data to clear the screen, then wake up the screen for display. Ensuring the user is never presented with a screen filled with random uninitialized bits in memory.


  • 0x04 0x75 = stop displaying frame buffer data on screen
  • 0x04 0xF5 = begin displaying frame buffer data on screen

It's still tentative and a tiny fraction of all the commands streaming across this channel, but I'm pretty happy I managed to decipher this much. It exceeded my expectation when I started this teardown project. I'm learning as I go! The next step will be to figure out what tools will help me gain further insight into this data, and I don't think a custom Saleae Logic extension will help here.

This teardown ran far longer than I originally thought it would. Click here to rewind back to where this adventure started.