After reading up on Angular Forms (both template-driven and reactive) I was ready to switch gears for some hands-on practice of what I've recently learned. My only Angular practice project so far is my Compass app. I couldn't think of a reasonable way to practice Angular reactive forms with it, but I could practice a few other new learnings.

Angular 16 Upgrade

Every major Angular version upgrade is accompanied by a lot of information. Starting with the broadest strokes on the Angular Blog "Angular v16 is here!", then more details in Angular documentation under "Updates and releases" as "Update Angular to v16" which points to an Angular Update Guide app that will list all the nuts and bolts details we should watch out for.

My compass app is very simple, so I get to practice Angular version upgrade on easy mode. Before I ran the update script, though, I thought I'd take a snapshot of my app size to see how it is impacted by upgrade.

Initial Chunk Files           | Names         |  Raw Size | Estimated Transfer Size
main.0432b89ce9f334d0.js      | main          | 642.10 kB |               145.70 kB
polyfills.342580026a9ebec0.js | polyfills     |  33.08 kB |                10.65 kB
runtime.7c1518bc3d8e48a2.js   | runtime       | 892 bytes |               513 bytes
styles.e5365f8304590c7a.css   | styles        |  51 bytes |                45 bytes

                              | Initial Total | 676.11 kB |               156.89 kB

Build at: 2023-05-23T23:37:24.621Z - Hash: a00cb4a3df82243e - Time: 22092ms

After running "ng update @angular/cli @angular/core", Compass was up to Angular 16.

Initial Chunk Files           | Names         |  Raw Size | Estimated Transfer Size
main.6fd12210225d0aec.js      | main          | 645.17 kB |               146.60 kB
polyfills.f00f35de5fea72bd.js | polyfills     |  32.98 kB |                10.62 kB
runtime.7c1518bc3d8e48a2.js   | runtime       | 892 bytes |               513 bytes
styles.e5365f8304590c7a.css   | styles        |  51 bytes |                45 bytes

                              | Initial Total | 679.08 kB |               157.76 kB

Build at: 2023-05-23T23:50:05.468Z - Hash: f595c7c43b5422f4 - Time: 29271ms

Looks like it grew by 3 kilobytes, which is hard to complain about when it is 0.5% of app size.

Standalone Components

I then converted Compass components to become standalone components. Following the "Migrate an existing Angular project to standalone" guide, most of the straightforward conversion can be accomplished by running "ng generate @angular/core:standalone" three times. Each pass converts a different aspect of the project (convert components to standalone, remove vestigial NgModule, application bootstrap for standalone API) and we have an opportunity to verify our app still works.

Initial Chunk Files           | Names         |  Raw Size | Estimated Transfer Size
main.39226bf17498cc2d.js      | main          | 643.58 kB |               146.35 kB
polyfills.f00f35de5fea72bd.js | polyfills     |  32.98 kB |                10.62 kB
runtime.7c1518bc3d8e48a2.js   | runtime       | 892 bytes |               513 bytes
styles.e5365f8304590c7a.css   | styles        |  51 bytes |                45 bytes

                              | Initial Total | 677.48 kB |               157.52 kB

Since Compass is a pretty simple app, eliminating NgModule didn't change very much. All the same things (declare dependencies, etc.) still had to be done, they just live in different places. From a code size perspective, eliminating NgModule shrunk app size down by about 1.5 kilobytes, reclaiming about half of the minimal growth from converting to v16.

Remove Router

Compass is a very simple app that really didn't use the Angular router for any of its advanced capabilities. Heck, with a single URL it didn't even use any Angular router capability. But as a beginner, copying and pasting code from tutorials without fully understanding everything, I didn't know that at the time. Now I know enough to recognize the router portions of the app (thanks to standalone components code lab) I could go in and remove router from Compass.

Initial Chunk Files           | Names         |  Raw Size | Estimated Transfer Size
main.4a58a43e0cb90db0.js      | main          | 565.24 kB |               128.77 kB
polyfills.f00f35de5fea72bd.js | polyfills     |  32.98 kB |                10.62 kB
runtime.7c1518bc3d8e48a2.js   | runtime       | 892 bytes |               513 bytes
styles.e5365f8304590c7a.css   | styles        |  51 bytes |                45 bytes

                              | Initial Total | 599.14 kB |               139.94 kB

Build at: 2023-05-24T00:30:36.609Z - Hash: 155b70d2931a3e06 - Time: 18666ms

Ah, now we're talking. App size shrunk by about 77 kilobytes, quite significant relative to other changes.

Fix PWA Service Worker

And finally, I realized my mistake when playing with turning Compass into a PWA (Progressive Web App): I never told it anything about the deployment server. By default, a PWA assumes the Angular app lives at the root of the URL. My Compass web app is hosted via GitHub Pages at, which is not the root of the URL. (That would be In order for path resolution to work correctly, I had to pass in the path information via --base-href parameter for ng build and ng deploy. Once I started doing that (I updated my npm scripts to make it easier) I no longer see HTTP 404 errors in PWA service worker status page.

I'm happy with these improvements. I expect my Compass web app project will continue to improve alongside my understanding of Angular. The next step in that journey is to dive back into the Angular Signals code lab.

Source code for this project is publicly available on GitHub.