Designing portrait and landscape orientation layouts for my compass web app was the first time I applied my media query lessons. Despite browser bugs out of my control making the app largely useless in landscape mode, it was educational to get some hands-on exercise with CSS. With new appreciation for CSS as well as new questions about how things are supposed to work, I thought it was a good time for a refresher course. Instead of going through Codecademy's CSS courses again, I decided to get a different perspective and go through "Learn CSS!" on

This course was one of several on, which comes from Google Chrome's developer relations team. I learned of this site by attending the completely online Google I/O developer conference in 2021 and had marked it as a resource to explore later. Today is the day! For interactive demonstrations, doesn't have an in-browser development environment of Codecademy. It uses little pieces of embedded playground instead. After this course, I have a slight preference for codepen because I could use it independently.

As of this writing, the course is split across 28 sections, each focused on a topic. There seems to be a podcast series related to this course, though the sections do not necessarily correspond one-to-one with podcast episodes. As a result of this organization, some material is duplicated across multiple sections. For example, 021 Animations had some obvious overlap with 025 Transitions. They tend to show up together, even though not all CSS transitions are animated and not all animations are for transitions. Given this commonality, they both warn to consider users who prefer not to have too many things moving onscreen. Stylesheets should query prefers-reduced-motion and cut back on the flashiness.

Side comments about prefers-reduced-motion is representative of a big difference between this course and the Codecademy course: This course reminds us that not everyone can use a computer the same way and implores us to keep the web accessible to all. So animation sections mention prefers-reduced-motion. Color sections reminds us to keep color-blindness in mind. And the Focus section explains how to make sure a site is usable by someone that has to navigate with tab instead of mouse or touchscreen. These are all good points.

Given my most recent layout experience, the most relevant sections started with 008 Layout. I was very amused by the brief history lesson at the start, where it mentioned early HTML layout were done with <TABLE>. I'm old enough to remember those days! I even used <TABLE> layout for my primitive SGVHAK Rover interface, much to the horror of some people. All of my web development education is part of my efforts to catch up to the latest tools like 009 Flexbox and 010 Grid. From my Google I/O 2021 notes, I also learned Chrome developer tools included a lot of layout debugging assistance. There was even a code lab touring CSS Grid debug tooling.

I've come across Flexbox and Grid in the Codecademy course, and it has been fuzzy when one tool would be better suited for another. This course has a rule of thumb that I find valuable: Flexbox is for laying out items along one dimension: our choice of row or column. Whereas Grid is for laying things out across two dimensions: we're always dealing with both rows and columns.

Coming from the Chrome team, I was not surprised that some of this course gets into implementation details that I wasn't sure was strictly relevant. In 004 Specificity they describe the point score algorithm for determining how a browser chooses between multiple applicable rules. Informative, but I don't think it is important to memorize the scoring algorithm, or at least I hope not, because I don't want to put in the time.

In all this course was packed of a lot of information, much of which were immediately useful for me. Plus other information that I might have to come back later to absorb. There are only a few things -- like specificity point score -- that I doubt would ever be useful. My future projects may yet prove me wrong, and the best way to know is to dive right back into working with CSS.