Angular Component Layout Sizing
For my first attempt at getting Three.js running inside an Angular web app, the target element's width and height were hard coded to a number of pixels to make things easier. But if I want to make a more polished app, I need to make this element fit properly within an overall application layout. Layout is one of the things Angular defers to standard CSS. Translating layouts I have in my mind to CSS has been an ongoing challenge for me to master so this project will be another practice opportunity.
Right now, I'm using a <DIV> in my markup to host a canvas object generated by Three.js renderer. Once my Angular component has been laid out, I need to get the size of that <DIV> and communicate it to Three.js. A little experimentation with CSS-related properties indicated my <DIV> object's clientWidth
and clientHeight
were best fit for the job.
Using clientWidth
was straightforward, but clientHeight
started out at zero. This is because during layout, the display engine looked at my <DIV> and saw it had no content. The canvas isn't added until after initial layout in AfterViewInit hook of Angular component lifecycle. I have to create CSS to block out space for this <DIV> during layout despite lack of content at the time. My first effort was to declare a height using "vh" unit (Viewport Height) to stake my claim on a fraction of the screen, but that is not flexible for general layout. A better answer came later with Flexbox. By putting "display: flex;
" on my <DIV>
parent, and "flex-grow:1
" on the <DIV>
itself, I declared that this Three.js canvas should be given all available remaining space. That accomplished my goal and felt like a more generally applicable solution. A reference I found useful during this adventure was the Flexbox guide from
It's still not perfect, though. It is quite possible Flexbox was not the right tool for the job, but I needed this practice to learn a baseline from which I can compare with another tool such as CSS Grid. And of course, getting a layout up on screen is literally just the beginning: what happens when the user resizes their window? Dynamically reacting to resize is its own adventure.
Source code for this project is publicly available on GitHub