Sawppy at Space-Themed Episode of Hangout & NERDOUT
Roughly twenty-four hours from now, around December 15th, 2022 7PM Eastern time (4PM Pacific) I should be starting a chat with several other makers on a space-themed episode of Hangout & NERDOUT. I will be one of three guest nerds invited to talk about their space-themed projects. Sawppy the Rover will be my topic for a ten-minute presentation, alongside similar presentation by the other guests. Then it'll be an open Q&A where people can ask questions of the presenters (and presenters ask questions of each other!)
Sawppy has been a great adventure and it will be a challenge to compress the full story down to ten minutes, but I'll give it my best shot. There'll be a bit of Sawppy's past, some of rover present, and a look towards the future. The Q&A session will be very informative at telling me which aspects of Sawppy catches people's interest. Or if one or both of the other two presentations turn out to be more interesting to the audience, that'll tell me something too! landing page for the event:
The rudimentary PowerPoint slide deck I created for this event is publicly visible here: "20221215 Hangout Nerdout"
Links shared over chat during the event (for all presenters, not just Sawppy):
The Zoom Events session was recorded, and I believe the intent is for it to be published at some point in the future. When that happens, I will see if I can embed the video here.