After going through Codecademy's "Learn JavaScript" course, the obvious follow-up was their "Learn Intermediate JavaScript" course, so I did and I liked it. It had a lot of very useful information for actually using JavaScript for projects. The first course covered the fundamentals of JavaScript but such knowledge sort of floated in an abstract space. It wasn't really applicable until this intermediate course covered the two most common JavaScript runtime environments: browser on the client end, and Node.js for the server end. Which, of course, added their own ways of doing things and their own problems.

Before we got into that, though, we expanded the first class's information on objects in general to classes in particular. Now I'm getting into an objected-oriented world that's more familiar to my brain. This was helped by the absence of multiple different shorthand for doing the same thing. I don't know if the course just didn't cover them (possible) or the language has matured enough we no longer have people dogpiling ridiculous ideas just to save a few characters (I hope so.)

Not that we're completely freed from inscrutable shorthand, though. After the excitement of seeing how JavaScript can be deployed in actual settings, I got angry at the language again when I learned of ES6 "Default Exports and Imports".

// This will work...
import resources from 'module.js'
const { valueA, valueB } = resources;
// This will not work...
import { valueA, valueB } from 'module.js'

This is so stupid. It makes sense in hindsight after they explained the shorthand and why it breaks down, but just looking at this example makes me grumpy. JavaScript modules is so messed up this course didn't try to cover everything, just pointing us to documentation to sort it out on our own.

After modules, we covered asynchronous programming. Another very valuable and useful aspect of actually using JavaScript on the web. Starting with JavaScript Promises, then async/await which is an ES8 syntax for writing more readable code but still using Promises under the hood. My criticism here is JavaScript's lack of strong typing, making it easy to make mistakes that wouldn't fall apart until runtime. This is so bad we even have an "Avoiding Common Mistakes" section in this course, which seems like a good idea in every lesson but apparently only important enough here.

Once async/await had been covered, we finally had enough background to build browser apps that interact with web APIs using browser's fetch() API. The example project "Film Finder" felt a lot more relevant and realistic than every other Codecademy class project I've seen to date. It also introduces me to The Movie Database project, which at first glance looks like a great alternative to IMDB which has become overly commercialized.

After the Film Finder project, this course goes into errors and error handling mechanisms, along with debugging JavaScript. I can see why it's placed here: none of this would make sense unless we knew something about JavaScript code, but a lot of these lessons would have been very helpful for people struggling with earlier exercises. I'm sad to think of the possibility that there might exist people who would benefit from this information, but never got this far because they got stuck in an earlier section because they needed help debugging.

The best part of this final section is a walkthrough of browser developer tools to profile memory and CPU usage. There are a lot of knobs and levers in these tools that would easily overwhelm a beginner. It is very useful to have a walkthrough that focused just on a few very common problems, and how to find them. Once we know a few places to start, it gives a starting point for exploring the rest of developer tools. This was fantastic, my only regret is that only applies to browser-side JavaScript. We'd have to learn an entirely different set of tools for server-side Node.js code.

But that's enough JavaScript fun for now, onward to the third pillar of web development: CSS.