Once I got Home Assistant running on my home server, I launched an ESPHome container to run alongside and pointed Home Assistant to that container via ESPHome integration. After running it for a while, here are some notes.

Initial Setup Required USB

The primary advantage of this approach is that I have an always-on dashboard for my ESPHome devices, from which I could edit and upload new firmware wirelessly. The primary downside of this approach is that I couldn't route USB port to this docker instance, so I needed another computer to perform initial firmware flash with USB cable. There are a few options: (1) select "Manual Install" to download a binary file that I would then flash with esptool.py. Advantage: esptool is easy to install. Disadvantage: I have to remember all of the other parameters for flashing. Option (2) copy the configuration YAML file and run a separate instance of ESPHome on the computer with USB port. Advantage: ESPHome took care of all flashing parameters, no need to remember them. Disadvantage: ESPHome not as easy to install. Option (3) select "Manual Install" to download a binary, then use https://web.esphome.io/ to flash. Advantage: zero setup!

ESPHome /cache Directory

In addition to the required /config directory, we could optionally mount a /cache directory to ESPHome container instance. When present, the directory is used for items that are easily replaceable. For example downloading PlatformIO binaries and intermediate files during compilation. My /config directory is mapped to a ZFS hard drive array. It is regularly backed up so I have a history of my configuration YAML files, but it is not fast. So I mapped /cache to a SSD volume which is fast but not regularly backed up. It also gets quite large, after a few experiments I approached a gigabyte under /cache versus only a few megabytes in /config.

Not Actually Required for Home Assistant

I had thought ESPHome dashboard served as communication node for all my ESP32/ESP8266 boards to talk to Home Assistant. I was wrong! The boards actually get all the code to talk to Home Assistant directly. This meant I don't strictly need to have Home Assistant Core and ESPHome Dashboard launch together in a common docker-compose.yml file. Home Assistant Core needs to be running, but ESPHome Dashboard could be launched just when I want to wirelessly modify a node.

Add Dashboard Password

But if ESPHome will always be left running as a standalone container, it would be a very good idea to install a minimum bar of security protection. By default, ESPHome dashboard is openly accessible, and I didn't think it was the best idea. It left open access of all my ESPHome nodes to any port sniffers that might get on my home network. Whether I leave ESPHome running or not, I should at least add a username and password to ESPHome dashboard. This can be done by modifying the container launch commands as per parameters in ESPHome documentation.

version: '3'

    image: esphome/esphome:latest
    command: dashboard --username [my username] --password [my password] /config
    restart: unless-stopped
      - [path to regularly backed-up volume]:/config
      - [path to speedy SSD that isn't backed-up]:/cache
    network_mode: host

This would not be necessary if running as an add-in with Home Assistant Operating System. When installed and managed by the supervisor, access to the ESPHome dashboard becomes part of Home Assistant user control.

All this effort to learn Home Assistant and ESPHome was kicked off when I decided not to write my own code to work with an INA219 voltage+current sensor, hoping it would be easier to use ESPHome instead. And I'm happy to report it absolutely paid off.