Second ESP8266 Voltage Monitor is Directly Wired to Buck Converter
Once I got my MicroPython ESP8266 connected to my home network, I expect to continue working with it over the network instead of an USB cable. Which meant it was time for me to take this development board and wire it to a DC voltage buck converter as I did earlier. However, this time I'm going to skip on the perforated prototype circuit board and going for direct wiring. (Sometimes called deadbug style due to folded pins and wires.)
But without the prototype board, I have to handle my own spacing. I cut up an expired credit card and placed the sheet of plastic in between Wemos D1 Mini clone (*) and its MP1584EN DC buck converter (*). Wires looped around the outside of this sheet to carry power lines 3.3V and GND, as well as the pair of 1 Megaohm resistors in series to ADC input pin for measuring voltage.
And relative to the previous iteration, I added one more wire: connecting ESP8266 GPIO16 (labeled D0 on a Wemos D1 Mini board) to the reset (RST) pin. This is required for an ESP8266 to wake from deep sleep, and this requirement is the very first sentence on MicroPython section for ESP8266 deep sleep. I'm going to guess that it is front and center because enough people forgot to do this critical step and their ESP8266 wouldn't wake from sleep.
Once this package was tested to function over MicroPython WebREPL, I wrapped the whole thing up in clear heat shrink tube(*) (not pictured in title image) for a nice compact package. I could now query ADC value representing input voltage over WebREPL, but that's not useful until I could report that value via MQTT.
(*) Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.