I'm not sure why ESP_8_BIT Atari mode stopped working on my ESP32, but I wasn't too bothered by it. My objective is to understand the NTSC color composite video signal generation code, which I assumed was shared by all three emulators of ESP_8_BIT so one should work as well as another. I switched the compile-time flag to Nintendo mode, saw that it started display on screen, and resumed my study.

The emu_loop() function indicated _lines was the frame buffer data passed from one of three emulators to the underlying video code. This was defined in video_out.h as uint8_t** and as its name implied, it is an array representing lines on screen. Each element of this array is a pointer to another array, storing uint8_t represent pixels on screen. This is a very flexible design that allowed variation in vertical and horizontal pixels, just by changing the size of one array or another. It also accommodates any extra data necessary for a line on screen, for example if there are padding requirements for byte alignment, without code changes. That said, ESP_8_BIT appears to use a fixed resolution of 256 pixels wide by 240 lines high: In video_out.h, video_init() always sets _active_lines to 240, and the for() loop inside blit() is hard-coded to 256.

Inside blit() I learned one of my assumptions was wrong. I thought video_out.h was common across all three emulators, but there were slight variations marked out by #ifdef sections. I confess I didn't understand what exactly these different chunks of code did, but I could make two observations: (1) if I wanted to use this code in my own projects I only need one of the code paths, and (2) they have something to do with the color palette for each emulator.

With that lead, I started looking at the color palette. Each emulator has its own color palette, when running in NTSC mode (my target) it is returned by the aptly named ntsc_palette() function. This appears to be a fixed array which was interesting. 8-bit color was very limiting and one of the popular ways to get around this limitation was to use an optimized adaptive palette to give an impression of more colors than were actually available. Another reason I had expected to find variable palette was the technique of palette animation (a.k.a. color cycling) common in the 8-bit era. Neither technique would be possible with a fixed palette. On the upside, it simplifies my code comprehension task today so I can't complain too much.

With some basic deductions in hand on how this code works, I wanted to do a quick exercise to test accuracy of my knowledge. I wrote a quick routine to fill the frame buffer with the entire range of 256 values, isolated into little blocks. This should give me a view of the range of colors available in the palette.

    for(int y = 0; y < 240; y++)
      yMask = (((y>>4)<<4)&0xF0);
      for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
        _lines[y][x] = ((x>>4)&0x0F) | yMask;

When I ran this in the Nintendo emulator mode, I got what appeared to be four repeats of the same set of color. Referencing back to Nintendo code path in video_out.h I can see it meshes. Color value was bitwise-AND with 0x3F meaning only the lower six bits of the color value are used. Cycling through 256 meant 64 colors repeated 4 times.

        case EMU_NES:
            mask = 0x3F;

I didn't need four repeats of the same 64 colors, so I edited my test program a bit to leave just a single bar on screen. Now I can take a closer look at these colors generated by ESP_8_BIT.