The Very Informative C# Programming Guide for Asynchronous Programming
The problem when looking at a list of "Other Resources" links is that it's hard to know how useful they are until I actually go in and read them. I started my C# async/await journey on this page, which was only a short conceptual overview. At the bottom is a link to a page titled Asynchronous programming with async and await (C#) which sounded just like the page I was already on. A quick look to confirm it's indeed a different URL, and I opened it up in a new tab to visit later.
I read several different pages sections before I got around to revisiting that opened tab. I had expected a short page with a lot of redundant information, but I quickly realized I had been neglecting a gold mine of information. This page explained the async/await model to me better than any other pages by using one of my favorite mechanisms for teaching: an analogy. The process to prepare a big breakfast was rephrased into asynchronous operations and that's where it finally clicked.
The most useful clarification was that async doesn't necessarily mean parallel. In the breakfast analogy it means multiple parts of the breakfast can be cooked but it's possible to have just one chef in the kitchen doing it all. This broke me out of my previous mental mold, which was preventing some concepts from sinking in because it didn't make sense in a parallel processing context. This section finally made me understand asynchronous processing is a concept that is frequently related to, but at the root is independent of, parallel processing.
One goal of the async/await pattern was to make it easy for developers to reason about logic flow, but under the hood it actually involves a lot of complexity to make a computer do what a human would hopefully find more intuitive. And like all programming magic, if things should break down the developer needs to know implementation details to debug it. Such detail was summarized in the "What happens in an async method" chart with simple code annotated with a lot of arrows. It was intimating at first, but once past the hump it is very helpful. I later came across an expanded version of this diagram explanation on this page with more details.
Once I had that understanding, I had a much easier time understanding what to do if something fails to go as planned. Cancelling and managing end of tasks is its own section.
I expected to find some example programs to look at, and I did, but looking at source code is only seeing the destination. It was very helpful for me to see the journey to destinations in an example taking a synchronous application and convert it step-by-step to asynchronous operation.
And finally, I return to the asynchronous programming section of UWP documentation. These topics now make a lot more sense than they did before I sat down to learn TAP. And some of the promise of UWP hold intriguing possibilities.