Wish List: Modular Sawppy Motor Controllers
One of the goals for my now-abandoned ROS Melodic Sawppy software project is something I still believe to be interesting. In contrast with the non-rover specific goals I outlined over the past few days, this one is still a rover item: I would like Sawppy motor control to be encapsulated in modules that can be easily swapped so Sawppy siblings are not required to use LX-16A servos.
My SGVHAK rover software had an infantile version of this option, and it was written in extreme time pressure to support our hack of using a RC servo controller to steer the right-front corner during SGVHAK rover's SCaLE debut. In SGVHAK rover software, all supported motor controller code are all loaded, an unnecessary amount of complexity and overhead. It would be nice for a particular rover to bring in just the code it needed.
The HBRC crew up in the SF Bay Area (Marco, Steve, and friends) have swapped out the six drive wheels for something faster while keeping the servos for steering, so a starting point is to have options for different controls for steering and driving. But keeping in mind the original scenario was using a RC servo to hack a single steering corner, we want to make it possible to use heterogeneous motor controllers for each of ten axis of motion.
I need to better understand Rhys code to know if this is something I can contribute back to the Curio ROS Melodic software project. Rhys has stated an intent to bring in ros_control
for Curio software stack. Primarily for the reasons of better Gazebo simulation, but it would also abstract Sawppy motor control logic: generic velocity controllers for driving wheels and position controllers for steering. And from there, we can have individual implementations responding to those controllers. Is that how it will work? I need to ramp up on Gazebo and ros_control
before I can speak knowledgeably about it.