This year's Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE 17x) begins today. Four days of talks across multiple tracks focusing on topics relating to the flagship open source operating system in various ways. From small micro controllers to large cloud infrastructure. Last year's SCaLE served as deadline and motivation for completing SGVHAK Rover, but it was only for purposes of show and tell. We couldn't yet do a full presentation as the JPL Open Source Rover project has yet to officially launch until mid year.

But that is no longer a concern, and we even have spinoff projects like my Sawppy rover to add to the mix. Hence Sawppy will be part of our SGVHAK presentation "The Trouble with Rovers": they're never really finished, and their numbers keep growing. Rovers are such cool projects to work on there's always more upgrades and evolution we can perform to make our rovers better. Lan and I practiced this talk at last month's SGVLUG meetup and hopefully our presentation will be better for it! We'll be presenting Saturday afternoon 4:30-5:30pm in Ballroom G.

20190214 Rovers at SGVLUG

Sawppy will also be present at the Tindie+Hackaday Bring-a-Hack meetup, under their "Birds of a Feather" event umbrella for groups to get a space and meet. It is a free event (with at least a SCaLE Expo Pass) and Sawppy will be there as representative of one of the projects with a page on This will take place Friday evening 7pm-8pm in Ballroom B.

Beyond those events, Sawppy will be generally hanging out and cruising about the event and the expo floor. There'll probably be some time spent at the SGVLUG/SGVHAK booth, but no official scheduled events beyond the two above.

(Cross-posted to