After I built a very simple copper wire body for a Tindie blinky, I wanted to advance my copper wire forming technique with practice making something a little more complex. Looking on my workbench of stuff, the most obvious candidate for a follow-up project are the KISS Tindies given out at Hackaday Superconference 2018. They were the demonstration objects in a workshop on pad printing - people were invited to apply red to these circuit boards and take them home. Not everyone took theirs home, so extras were distributed to other interested Supercon attendees like myself.

KISS Tindies

So I could create some copper wire bodies for the band. It wouldn't make sense to give the same dog bodies to these heads - these call for some stylized human-like poses. I thought I would have to dig deep into my meager artistic skills to draw a guitar-playing puppy, but it turns out art already existed for these heads. (It's possible these PCB heads were actually made from the art - I don't have the history here.)

KISS Tindies reference art

Unlike the puppy, though, there wasn't an obvious way for me to separate these shapes into a "front" and "back" for the two voltage planes. I thought I might try to make fully three-dimensional bodies but a few tests indicate I don't yet have enough skills as a copper wire sculptor to pull it off.

Scaling my ambitions back down to match my current skill level means the next project will take a slight step backwards in functionality: they will be flat figures, and the body won't be a functioning circuit. The focus of this exercise is to practice wire forming on a flat plane.

(Cross-posted to