Sawppy Will Be At DTLA Mini Maker Faire
The Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA) Mini Maker Faire, hosted at the Los Angeles Public Library central location, is coming up this weekend and my rover Sawppy will be among the many maker projects at the event.
Sawppy will be one of several rovers present. JPL's Open Source Rover team should be there with their original build, SGVHAK will be there with the beta build rover I contributed to, which inspired my Sawppy and they'll all be hanging out together.
The JPL team will also be giving a brief presentation in the KLOS Children's Theater upstairs about their rover project, followed by an even briefer presentation by me on building Sawppy. Both of these talks are listed on the workshop schedule though (as far as I know) there is no hands-on workshop activity planned. Sawppy will be present and running for people to see up close, but no assembly (and certainly no disassembly!) is planned. I may bring an extra corner steering unit for people to play with, and they'll be welcome to take that apart and put it back together, but not much beyond that.
(Cross-posted to