poptartcat320240I'm quite happy I got the Nyan Cat animation up and running on my Hackaday Belgrade 2018 badge, in preparation for putting it on my Hackaday Superconference 2018 badge. But the Nyan Cat experience is not complete without the catchy cutesy music. That music was an important reason for choosing Nyan Cat as the project.

Since Nyan Cat is an YouTube sensation, the obvious search for music information started with YouTube. Quite a few people have translated the music into piano and while a lot of notes go by very quickly, the simplified versions of Nyan Cat music seem to require no more than 2 keys at any given time.


This can be translated to fit on the badge, using two voices and one voice to spare. It leaves the door open to reuse the third audio timer for some other task.

It wouldn't be hard to translate the piano keys from the YouTube video. Tedious, but not hard. Fortunately there are internet resources other than YouTube. A search turned up the web site musescore.com full of songs in sheet music format. Each of which was contributed by an user on the site and, given Nyan Cat's internet fame, it was not a surprise that there were multiple takes on translating the catch tune into sheet music format.

This is an excellent place to start.

(Cross-posted to Hackaday.io)