ROS Notes: URDF vs. Gazebo SDF

My understanding can be boiled down to this: URDF specifies a robot, but SDF also specifies a world for the robot to live in, which is a much larger set of things. Based on this premise, SDF is designed to represent a superset of everything that can be represented in URDF.
Which leads to the obvious next question: if SDF is a proper superset, why not standardize on SDF across the board? The best answer I could find is the idea being floated (and shot down?) as something to do for ROS2. I can understand the perspective that ROS really only cares about the robot and doesn't need all the extra features of specifying a simulation world.
And while reading that discussion thread, I also learned Gazebo isn't the only one unhappy with URDF. There's also a SRDF file format for describing things not in a URDF, and I have even less of an idea how SRDF relates to SDF. Fortunately, there is an enlighening comment block in the generic example on that page:
This does not replace URDF, and is not an extension of URDF.
So whatever SRDF may be, it's not yet another way to specify a robot, which is a relief.
Summary of my current understanding:
- URDF is the established format for describing robot structure in ROS, and it is not going away anytime soon.
- URDF could not specify information necessary for other robotics domains.
- SDF was devised by Gazebo to meet simulation needs, but Gazebo can consume URDF when it is augmented by information within
tags. - SRDF was devised to meet needs of MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework and does not replace URDF.
- SDF was devised by Gazebo to meet simulation needs, but Gazebo can consume URDF when it is augmented by information within
Given the above, as a beginner I should be safe to start with URDF when I start defining my own physical robots (like Sawppy) for ROS. But that's a ways down the road, for now it's back to tutorials.