ROS Notes: Picking Up Where I Left Off

Things have changed in the past year. The most important change is that I have access to multiple robot platforms. We have the SGVHAK Rover, my Sawppy the Rover, and Emily's Craglist acquisition Bart the robot. All of these hardware would benefit from a powerful and sophisticated software platform to elevate them from fancy remote control vehicles to something really interesting.
Another change was a realization as I got started thinking about deep neural networks and playing with AI. I started with the powerful laptop and got TensorFlow installed, but as I went through the tutorials I realized it's all very interesting in the abstract but I can see myself getting distracted again. I need a goal to work towards as I apply my AI education and experimentation, and this circled me back to the robot platforms we have running around.
ROS is the software infrastructure where these two would meet - the hardware robot platforms and the TensorFlow neural networks. So before I get started on another big complicated software framework like TensorFlow, I should finish what I started with ROS.
As a refresher, I went through all the beginner tutorials again. It made a lot more sense this time around given the context of what I've learned in the past year. Ranging from Python programming, to Linux fundamentals, to getting a better feel of why ROS features are desirable viewed through the lens of building Sawppy.
The progress was a lot faster this time... and now I'm at the Where Next page once again.
Hello, old friend. This time, let's keep the momentum moving.