Lite-On LTC-4627JR + I²C = Using All 20-Pin On PIC16F18345
My shipment of my own PICkit 3 and tube of PIC16F18345 has arrived, so it's time to pick up where I left off with I²C control of the Lite-On LED module.
This LTC-4627JR module has a few extra enhancements over the standard 4-digit 7-segment display. The first is the addition of a period with each digit, so we can display decimal points in our numbers. The period is an additional segment to make it an 8-segment display.
In addition to the periods on each digit, there are three additional LEDs. Two are in the middle of the display making it possible to use this in a clock, as they're positioned to show the colon in the ubiquitous blinking "12:00". The third and final additional LED is towards the upper-right of the display. It's not immediately clear what that would be good for, but since its siblings are clock-friendly, perhaps it can indicate AM/PM with the help of bezel markings. Electrically, these three LEDs are wired in parallel with 3 of the 8 segments of the other digits and enabled with a common anode in parallel with the 4 digits. Together the three additional LEDs are effectively a partial fifth digit on the display.
Effectively, I'm now trying to control a 5-digit, 8-segment display. A few days ago I tried to control it with a PIC16F1847, but that is an 18-pin chip so I didn't have enough pins to drive the eighth segment or the fifth digit. Now that I have my 20-pin chip, I can wire up my breadboard with:
- 2 pins for power, +5V and Ground.
- 8 pins for the cathodes of the 8 segments, via 120 Ohm resistor to keep the current below 25 mA.
- 5 pins for the common anodes of the 5 digits, via 2N2222 transistor to control the (up to) 200mA current.
- 2 pins for I²C communication, one data and one clock.
- 3 pins for the PICkit 3 to program the chip, Vpp, ICSPCLK and ICSPDAT.
Using all 20 pins with nothing wasted.
I know that the Vpp, ICSPCLK and ICSPDAT pins can serve double-duty under restricted circumstances, but I don't yet have a good grasp on when it's OK to do that. For now I'm going to leave them alone for exclusive use of the programmer until I have a better grasp.
On a final note: even though I'm driving one more transistor and one more digit than before, the board still ended up cleaner and less tangled with wires. Practice makes perfect I guess.
To establish a baseline of functionality, I hooked it up to a Raspberry Pi to confirm I could talk to the Microchip boilerplate generated I²C code. And I wrote a small program to confirm I could light up all the LEDs. It looks good, we can proceed.