Getting Started on ROS: C++ or Python?

I'm barely into the beginner tutorials but I see enough to appreciate what they have, and also to start having questions. I like the fact modules communicate over commodity network transports (TCP or UDP) and the master negotiation procedures are built around XML-RPC. It does add overhead but it's the kind of overhead that allows a great deal of flexibility. But it is also a vulnerable security exposure. I haven't seen anything talking about best practices to deal with rogue nodes on a ROS network but I hope that is coming up soon.
When the tutorial starts talking about writing code to create ROS nodes, it offers an option for the reader: write in C++, or write in Python? The prudent thing for me to do is to stick to C++, a language I know, while I learn ROS. If I go with Python I'll be learning the programming language on top of learning the ROS framework.
Today I'm in a 'chasing shiny objects' kind of mood, so I'll start down the Python path. Whether this turns out to be a wise or foolish choice is yet to be seen. Either way, it'll be documented in upcoming posts!