SasslogoWhile learning Ruby on Rails, one of the things I put on my "look into this later" list was Sass. I knew it was related to CSS but didn't know the details, I just noticed when the Rails generator created a controller, it created a .scss file under the stylesheets directory.

So when I received email from Codecademy notifying me that they have a new class on Sass... the "look into this later" became "let's look into it now".

Unlike Ruby on Rails, Sass is not a huge complicated system. It solves a fairly specific set of problems typical of CSS growing unwieldy as it grows with a project. It introduces some very nice concepts to keep CSS information organized. After banging my head on lots of walls with Ruby on Rails, it is refreshing to tackle a smaller-scope project and be able to understand what's going on. The Codecademy format is well suited to teach a smaller scoped concept like Sass.

I was also mildly amused to learn that Sass is apparently written in Ruby. I don't think it particularly matters what the implementation was, but it's amusing to me to see Ruby applied in an entirely different way from Rails. The bonus is that, if I should try to debug or extend Sass myself, I wouldn't be starting from scratch looking over its source code.

Being a fresh course, the Codecademy class had a few minor problems that still need to get ironed out. The flashcard example was supposed to flip on mouse hover... it never did anything for me. Too bad, because I think the effect would have been interesting.

I haven't gotten far enough with Rails to think about making my web app pretty, but when I do, I know how to keep my style sheets manageable with Sass.