It's fun trying to bring an old DOS game into the web world, and now I'm getting to the point where I think it makes sense to do part of the work on the server side.

I went into some Node.js classes earlier, mostly because I wanted to learn about NPM. But Node.js isn't the right tool for every job. Specifically, it isn't a tool I can use if I want to host with shared hosting services - the power of Node.js conflicts with the constraints to make sure everybody plays nice on a shared web host server. (Specifically those on Dreamhost, where I have my domains registered.)

So... time to learn something that I can use to put on a Dreamhost shared web server and visible to the world. The bullet point on their sales pitch says "Perl, Python, and Rails". I already know I don't particularly care for Perl. It is a very terse and concise language that I find to be unnecessarily difficult to debug. Python is supposed to be a more human-readable language, and I don't know much about Rails at all.

In the spirit of adventure, time to roll the Codecademy courses on Ruby, followed by Rails, to see if I can use it for the server-side work of my little personal project. Either I learn how to do what I want, or I learn enough about Ruby & Rails to be able to articulate how it does not suit me.