NodeSchool "How to npm" notes
The lesson of the day is "You get what you pay for."'s workshop to teach NPM (Node.js Package Manager) is titled "How to npm." It has the intention of letting students create a package, set up the proper dependency links, publish it, then publish it again to practice sending out updates. Since it would be bad to pollute the global package registry with a bunch of dummy student test packages, the workshop steps publish against a practice registry running locally instead of the real thing.
As of today, there's a problem with the practice registry. It can accept updates to packages and track the version numbers, but the portion that tracks labels for these versions ("dist-tag" in NPM lingo) is broken and halts the lesson flow with a HTTP 404 error.
The symptoms match a bug in the workshop that was acknowledged, analyzed, and purportedly fixed. However, the fix is incomplete because some people are still seeing the same error in the updated version of the workshop.
Including myself!
I tried to look at the code behind the lesson and try to see if I can come up with a fix for the bug, maybe this can be my first open source contribution! But alas, I'm not yet good enough with Node.js programming to understand what's going wrong.
Fortunately I've already learned a few useful things before I hit this roadblock. I believe all the material useful to somebody consuming packages has been covered. And I don't expect to publish any packages myself soon.
But if I do, I'll come back to this workshop again before I commit. Maybe it'll be fixed by then.