When I set out on this adventure, I knew I wanted to eventually cover the basics of the major cloud services. Write some sample services to run on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google cloud services, etc.

I was surprised to stumble into an entirely different meaning of "cloud development": writing code in a browser. I had seen the educational coding playgrounds of Codecademy, and I had seen small trial tools like JSFiddle, but I had no idea that was just the tip of the iceberg and things can get much fancier.

I had started a project to practice my newly-learned jQuery skills. Just with a text editor on my computer and running the HTML straight off the file system. As soon as I learned of these web-based development environments I wanted to try it out by moving my project over.

The first I tried was Codenvy, whose whitepapers are quite grandiose in what it offers for improving developer productivity. Unfortunately the kind of development Codenvy supports aren't the kind of things I know anything about today. But I'll revisit in a few weeks to check again.

The second I tried was Cloud 9, which does support simple HTML+CSS+JS projects like what I wanted to do. Working in Cloud 9 gave me some tools for static analysis and serving my file off a real web server. It also integrates into Github preserving my source control workflow.

After a JavaScript project of around 300 lines of code, I can comfortably say I'm quite impressed. In the areas of development-time tooling and integration experience, it far exceeded my expectations. However, there was an area of disappointment: the debugging experience was either hard to find or just wasn't there at all.

When my little project goes awry, I resorted to loading up the project in a separate browser window and using the web browser debugger. This is on par with the simpler tools like JSFiddle and JSBin. I had hoped for better.

I'm cautiously optimistic I'll find a tool with better debugging experience as I continue to explore.